Aug 28Liked by Katherine Goldstein

I’m a mom of a new kindergartner and almost 3 years old twin boys. This will be the first year the boys have any care and my daughter will be in a full day of school. Needless to say, I deeply relate to this. Wishing you rest, meaningful productivity, and a second to do whatever you want.

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right back at ya!

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Aug 29Liked by Katherine Goldstein

Those mornings are AMAZING. My husband has been taking the kids to daycare around 7:30-8, and I leave for work at 9:30 (32h work week). I use the time for slow breakfast with reading, working out (the only time I have for it), grocery shopping, or prepping a slow cooker meal. (Yes, one can do those last two with kids around, but it's much nicer alone!) That breathing room in my day has been glorious!

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i'm excited to experience this

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Aug 28Liked by Katherine Goldstein

Single pickup/dropoff and same schedules is NIRVANA!

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Agreed! My kids go to 2 different schools in opposite directions and I am counting the days until they're both in the same place. 2 more years...

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As someone who's only entering the fray, wondering how on earth I'm ever going to get through the next few years of child care (with a current 1 year old, and wanting another kid but HOW?), this post gave me a glimmer of future joy

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Aug 28Liked by Katherine Goldstein

Yes!! Our youngest is in their first day of K today as well. What I'm most excited about is not having to pack lunches every day!!

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Katherine Goldstein

Yess! My kids started a few weeks ago but my oldest is in 3rd and my youngest is in K and same place, same schedule, walking distance from my house, and no more daycare payments (and no more daycare dropoff/pickup!) - I can feeeeel the space in my brain and it's really so magical!

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Aug 28Liked by Katherine Goldstein


I am still in the midst of childcare whack-a-mole up here in NH—school doesn’t start until next Wednesday (it has ALWAYS started the Tuesday after Labor Day, since I was a child at the exact same elementary school my daughter attends, lo these many years ago—WTF am I supposed to do with my kid on that random Tuesday?? And also this entire week when there is no camp anywhere because all of the surrounding towns start this week and I assume the camp counselors have gone back to high school and college?)

Still have a kiddo in daycare and I am thrilled because they only close for one week a year in the summer. And they are affordable and we can afford it so I will happily give them my money (acknowledging my privilege). Also very grateful our school has an on-site after school program that is also affordable and that my kid likes, at least some of the time.

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these super late starts are bananas

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I’m in the same boat, my daughter’s school starts Thursday after Labor Day, and Wednesday is this random school supply drop off for 30 min in the middle of the day, so have to find care for her those weird hours and also somehow work.

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I remember listening to you on the podcast in 2019 when you shared that you were pregnant...and that it was twins...and what a holy shit moment that was. Never mind a pandemic a couple of weeks after they were born. Enjoy your freeeeeeedom!!!!

(Our school year start is going great, even if kiddo was sick for Day 1. Last year was super rocky all through the fall so I was braced for impact...but this year is like night and day. Grateful for that and soaking it up, because next year is middle school. Yikes)

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My child's biking to school, and it's twice as far as it was last year. She is with a group, in principle I approve of the independence, and she likes the biking and the independence. But I'm a little worried about her safety, in a way that will probably die down over time. And school runs fewer hours than some of the summer camps, so in a way the mental load for me is higher during the school year; there's more time she's not in someone else's care, and part of my mind is aware of that.

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You're a super hero! Maybe you can put your cape away for a few hours and take an afternoon siesta sometimes.

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I might just do that

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Virtual Cheers, Katherine! Having all three of mine dropped off at the same place and time is a miracle. I actually had time to quietly sip my coffee this morning before I started work. I am feeling so many of the same feels- ecstatic, weepy, befuddled. All of it, but it feels better than the exhaustion, defeat, and overwhelm I was feeling just last week.

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Yes, but I’m more used to those other feelings!!

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Congrats! The return of preschool couldn’t have come sooner over here. I’m envious of your proximity to school — how wonderful is that?! I hope you get to ride this high for a while!

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it was a huge motivation for why we bought this house 6 years ago!

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I'm still awaiting the euphoria as my preschooler doesn't fully start until Sept. 5, and my 1st grader's afterschool (run by the school) mysteriously doesn't start until Sept. 9, just in time for a no school day on the 10th (primary elections). But September 11 is going to be so good!

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I’m excited for the regularity of school and afterschool but also the days off calendar makes me want to cry. In an effort to be inclusive there are even more holidays than last year. Separate drop offs and pick ups are hard but I’m thankful for still having one in daycare, have to pay for it but the schedule is so much better.

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Seriously, congratulations for all your newfound ease and blocks of time! We are starting the school year on Tuesday and my daughter’s daycare is only 2 minutes by car away from my son’s kindergarten and only 5 minutes from our house, so it’s not too bad. But, I can’t wait for them both to be at the same school next year!

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These are all such important points but I’m so happy that this means you’ll have more time to do things for yourself like workout (or whatever you need to do that day if a workout isn’t in the cards!) 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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