The Double Shift
The Double Shift
I Think I’m Becoming A “Free-Range” Mom

Paid episode

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I Think I’m Becoming A “Free-Range” Mom

Can changing how we parent help rebuild our sense of community? A conversation with Let Grow Founder Lenore Skenazy.
Why I Walked to School Alone and My Kids Never Will - ABC News

I’ve recently become fascinated by the Let Grow movement, founded by Lenore Skenazy, author of Free-Range Kids, Skenazy received international media attention and was dubbed “the world’s worst mom” for letting her nine-year-old ride the New York City subway by himself. For the last 15 years, she’s been on a mission to renormalize childhood independence.…

This post is for paid subscribers

The Double Shift
The Double Shift
The Double Shift is a newsletter, podcast and community created by Katherine Goldstein. Expect big ideas + solutions to challenge the status quo of work and care. Join us to find community around motherhood, equal partnership, and building a world that cares. Starting in 2024, we'll be releasing weekly audio versions of our newsletter and extended interviews for our paying member community on Substack. Join us!
The Double Shift from 2019-2022 was a narrative show to challenge the status quo of motherhood in America. Please enjoy our free archive of over 35 episodes.